Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart Perfect ‘Breaking Dawn’ Sex Scenes

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart have been hard at work on the Breaking Dawn honeymoon scenes fan are so looking forward to. Life & Style has reported that Pattinson and Stewart spent 12 hours on the bedroom scenes which leave pillows ripped, headboards splintered, and Bella bruised.

The Twilight stars have two more sex scenes to film before shooting wraps next year, so fans can expect a couple more juicy details to surface. Pattinson recently spoke about what it’s like kissing Stewart. The actor admitted it’s easy to get carried away, “When we start the kissing scenes I forget we’re surrounded by a load of people. I actually end up getting really carried away.”

“It’s only when the kiss is finished that my mind registers there’s actually a set full of people around, and I just walk away embarrassed.” Pattinson continued.

That’s definitely the kind of passion that Twilight fans are looking forward to with Breaking Dawn which hits theaters next year! What Breaking Dawn scenes are you most looking forward to? Are you hoping for a little bit more than the books?


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