Celebrity Style – Getting In Shape For Summer! (Part 3)


Continuing our new article series on getting you ready for summer and looking like a celeb, FanBolt brings you part 3 of our on-going review of NutriSystem.

I, Liz Bailey, have been evaluating the product over the last three weeks and have been documenting my progress. Week one and Week two were really successful for me. I felt great and have lost a total of five pounds!

I’ve been sticking to the woman’s plan that NutriSystem offers, and I’ve also been exercising on an every other day basis. I’ve been documenting the foods I eat (any breaks from the routine that occur), as well as my exercise program. This has been a program that has been proven to work for not only celebrities but also for the everyday guy and gal. So we’ll see how it ends up!


Week 3 of 4 – Each day I will rate how much like the food on a 1-10 scale for each meal, so you can get a better idea of what foods are yummy and which ones aren’t so much.


Profile- Week 3

Name: Liz Bailey
Start Weight: 142 (down 2 pounds from last week (144)!)
Target Weight (in one month): 130-135

Day 1:
Breakfast: Maple Brown Sugar Oatmeal (8 out of 10) (Crazy small portion)
Lunch: Fettuccine Alfredo (9 out of 10)
Dinner: Macaroni & Cheese with Beef (7 out of 10)
Snack/Dessert: Chocolate Chocolate Chip Pudding (9 out of 10)

Exercise: None

Day 2:
Breakfast: Blueberry Muffin (8 out of 10)
Lunch: Chicken Salad (9 out of 10)
Dinner: Sweet and Sour Chicken With Noodles (7 out of 10)
Snack/Dessert: Chocolate Chip Cookie (8 out of 10)

Exercise: 30 minutes on the bike (level 5)

Day 3:
Breakfast: Cinnamon Bun Bar (6 out of 10)
Lunch: Pasta Parmesan with Broccoli (8 out of 10)
Dinner: Vegetable Lasagna with Basil Tomato Sauce (9 out of 10)
Snack/Dessert: None

Exercise: None

Day 4:
Breakfast: Blueberry Flavored Pancake Mix ( 8 out of 10)
Lunch: Chicken and Pasta in Cacciatore Sauce (6 out of 10)
Dinner: Flatbread Pizza (8 out of 10)
Snack/Dessert: Oatmeal Raisin Cookie (8 out of 10)

Exercise: 30 minutes on the bike (level 6), 100 crunches, and 10 minutes weight-lifting

Day 5:
Breakfast: Lemon Poppy Seed Muffins (7 out of 10)
Lunch: Fettuccine Alfredo (9 out of 10)
Dinner: Went out for dinner. Had a veggie burger.
Snack/Dessert: Milk Chocolately Delight Bar (10 out of 10)

Exercise: None

Day 6:
Breakfast: NutriFrosted Crunch Cereal (6 out 10)
Lunch: Pasta Parmesan with Broccoli (8 out of 10)
Dinner: Beef and Noodles In Teriyaki Sauce (6 out of 10)
Snack/Dessert: White Chocolate Chunk Cookie (6 out of 10)

Exercise: 30 minutes on the elliptical, 120 crunches, and 10 minutes weight-lifting

Day 7:
Breakfast: Cluster Crunch Cereal (6 out of 10)
Lunch: Went out for lunch. Had a house salad.
Dinner: Lemon Butter Sauce with Chicken and Noodles (2 out of 10) (yuck!)
Snack/Dessert: Chocolate Cake (9 out of 10)

Exercise: None


Notes: Once again, as I noted last week, some of the portions are insanely small. The cereals and the oatmeal are tastey but not filling in the least. I recommend you avoid these if you’re ordering this program – stick with scones, muffins, and breakfast bars for breakfast. They’re small, but much more filling.

End Of Week Weight: 139 (Lost 3 More Pounds)

Thoughts Thus Far: I am still liking the program. I feel like a lot of what this system does is teach you portion control. Eating smaller meals along a with snack spread out through the day helps you to feel lighter and healthier. This program combined with exercising and a little bit of weight lifting helps to not only burn the extra pounds – but also helps to start showing muscle tone in your legs and arms.

On to Week 4!


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