Sonic Generations Review: Two Ways of Fun

Sonic Generations Review

Sonic Generations comes at you with two ways of playing which is done by giving you both classic sonic and new sonic to play with. The reason behind this is a creature that has sucked Sonic back into time where you will try and figure out what’s going on as you venture across familiar territory.

I recently played through the 3DS version of Sonic Generations and I absolutely loved it. When it comes to the console version – it is a lot more in depth with its story, and it also has good cut scenes for you to enjoy. It’s overall presentation is also better as you go through the main game. Each level you will be playing with both the classic Sonic and new Sonic. It’s the same level, but each one is fit to the classic style of play as well as the new style of play depending on which Sonic you are playing with.

While playing through the game you can only go so far before you get stuck at a time gate where you will have to gather keys in order to unlock it. You gather keys by playing bonus challenges that you can find around each area, and then completing at least one of them in every zone. Bonus challenges range from speeding through a level or racing your doppelganger. Each challenge has its difficulty as well and some can really make you work hard to complete it. Same goes for the levels, as each level is not an easy passage, and you will probably have to go through a few levels more than once before you eventually beat it.

The gameplay is still a lot of fun to play – though I still have moments of frustration. That just comes with the territory though and needing to learn the levels. However, I still have some issues with the controls and the jumps. Once in awhile it doesn’t seem to respond well where you will really have to slow yourself down in order to handle the situation. Besides that I think the game is a good challenge and a lot of fun to play – especially with all the levels and many additional challenges for you to complete. The boss fights are also a good bonus and a fun challenge in the game.

Throughout the game you will also be able to buy skills for both Sonic’s. As you earn points, you will be able to use those points to buy skills such as extra boost on the meter, extra life, quick stop and so on. There are a number for you to choose from, but you can only equip so many of them at a time as each skill takes up so much room.

Visually the game has a lot of great moments in it and at the same time some fairly average ones. Overall it is a nice looking title. It also features a nice soundtrack with all the classic tunes you enjoyed before as well as the remixed versions. There are a number of things to unlock as well in Sonic Generations from a good selection of music tracks, movies, artwork and more that really adds to the game for any Sonic fan. It also holds your record book where you can see all of your stats from cleared levels, rings collected, collection percentage, enemies defeated and more. You can also use points earned in the game to purchase the Genesis version of Sonic the Hedgehog in the skills shop which is another nice addition to the game.

Sonic Generations is a great title for Sonic fans and those who have interest. It’s a good and fun fast paced title that certainly has a bit of a challenge. Once you learn the levels though you will have an absolute good time playing through it. You can also add to the fun by adding your time attack score to the online leaderboards. It has a good amount of options to keep you busy for awhile. Even with it’s frustrating moments in learning the levels and your occasional jumping issues, this is still a game I recommend fully.

Score: 4/5


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