‘The Big Bang Theory’ Is Now On 5 Nights A Week!

Have you been started over with The Big Bang Theory? The Pilot Episode of the hit series aired this last past Monday – giving fans a chance to relive one of their favorite series from the beginning! The series airs 5 nights a week now!

Leonard meets Penny for the first time in the Pilot and is immediately infatuated with her. While his roommates say that she is an unattainable goal, Leonard is an idealist and strives to be worthy of her. Even going so far as to confront her much larger and stronger ex-boyfriend, resulting in him getting de-pantsed. That wasn’t our favorite moment from the Pilot though. This was the first episode in which we fell in love with Sheldon, so we’re partial to Sheldon’s rant about his spot on the couch!

In support of the syndication of The Big Bang Theory, we want to know what your favorite moment from the Pilot episode was! Sound off in our comment section below!

Check out www.bigbangweeknights.com for your local listings!

Disclaimer: I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote The Big Bang Theory in Syndication.


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  1. haha that was a great moment as well 🙂 I think my most favorite moment from the series was actually the Christmas episode – that was Season 2 or 3. Where Sheldon hungs Penny. 🙂 Good times! 🙂

  2. That was just my favorite moment from the pilot. My favorite moment of the show was in season 4 when Sheldon used alcohol to sanitize his mouth after drinking after Raj. It makes him a little drunk and he tells Leonard “I love you so much” it was totally unexpected and made me laugh so hard.