David Slade Talks: Eclipse, Deleted Scenes & More
The Twilight Saga‘s Eclipse director, David Slade, sat down briefly [as all we fans are still hot from the newly release Breaking Dawn pictures], to talk about Eclipse, Bella & Charlie, and what’s next for him!
A year ago at this time, Slade was only a month into editing the flick.
“Finishing the film was a moment of great weight. It’s not just getting it cut, it’s when the final print is timed and there’s nothing more to do,” he said. “It was the night before we did our press junket we finished it.”
Slade’s pedigree usually involves music videos and darker indies such as Hard Candy, however, Slade admits to doing his best with the Eclipse DVD to please the vampire saga’s legions of fans [and if I do say so myself, those Newborn scenes were seemed very real and frightening]. “This is the only thing I’ve ever done that’s had such a fan subculture, so with the deleted scenes I wanted to do a little justification for them.”
One major scene cut from the theatrical version of the film was an exchange between Bella and her on-screen dad Charlie. “It’s all in Billy’s face, when you watch the film 30-odd times or more, there’s more in his face than in his words,” Slade said. “I was so confident that was going to make it in, we did it in one shot. It was two people trying to be as close to each other as possible.” Fans will get to live that moment through the just released DVD version [which recently put fans from 8 to 68 in line in stores everywhere at midnight].
Slade revealed that he will announce his next film in a matter of weeks! “It always surprises me, what can get out there, like I’m doing Christine, the Stephen King story. No, I’m not!” he said.
“We’ve gotten a ton of scripts, 30-odd projects, and one of them was Wolverine, which Darren Aronofsky is doing. I met with Hugh, but felt it was right that they continue together.”
Shooting is underway for Breaking Dawn parts one and two, under director Bill Condon, but one thing is for sure, Eclipse had a lot of heart put into it, one I as well as Slade hopes no one forgets!