Dan Fogler Geeks Out Over Comics, Musicals, and Baby Yoda!

You know him, I love him. We had to have him back. Ladies and gents, Dan Fogler!
This time around, we chatted via iPhone, like the retro peeps we are! We talked about everything from the Addams Family to his upcoming Heavy Metal comics. True to geek fashion, Dan and I started with a long ramble about our favorite comics, and how many of them seem to have inspired certain scenes in The Mandalorian.
“It’s also like Samurai Jack in a lot of ways,” says Dan, “he goes from town to town and he’s the reluctant hero.”
To which I reply that Avatar: The Last Airbender would also be a valid comparison.
After drooling over things like The Addams Family, Into the Woods, and Deadpool, we got to what’s coming next for Dan.
“I’m writing my comic books, which Heavy Metal is publishing, and they’re starting to come out in July,” Dan says excitedly.
Not just one, not two, but three comics are coming our way from the brilliant mind of Dan Fogler.
“They’re publishing three titles: Moon Lake, Fish Kill, and Brooklyn Gladiator,” Dan proudly states.
He feels these comics being published is a special moment.
“[It’s a] full circle because that’s how I got into comics is reading Heavy Metal. Each of the stories is radically different. Moon Lake is my Twilight Zone series homage, which is [also] like an homage to Heavy Metal the movie,” Dan explains. “Fish Kill is my modern noir conspiracy story where it’s like the seeds of the headlines of today that are sewn to grow into the sci-fi dystopia that grows into what is Brooklyn Gladiator,” Dan says.
Ironically, Fish Kill is eerily similar to the current pandemic, protests, and riots.
“Whoa, when the f*** did they write this,” Dan passionately says, “no one’s gonna believe that we wrote this thing two years ago!”
Brooklyn Gladiators is essentially what Fish Kill leads to.
“What’s it gonna look like 2033 is not very far from now,” says Dan, “what’s that universe gonna look like when we turn up the dials on the headlines today.”
To make things even more exciting, he is already working on a film adaptation of Brooklyn Gladiator, but he wouldn’t mind it being cut into a series.
“I would really love to make a movie that is 90% real fighting.” Dan hopes.
These details aren’t all the exciting stuff we chatted about, so if you want to hear all the juicy deets, give our “podcast” a listen below!