‘The Colbert Report’ Confirms Jeff Goldblum Still Alive And Well

Amongst all the Michael Jackson news last week, you may or may not have heard the rumors that Jeff Goldblum had fallen to his death in New Zealand. Steven Colbert cleared up the rumors last night by first confirming Jeff was death based on Twitter reports…. then having Jeff appear on the show stating he wasn’t even in New Zealand last week. Check it out below!

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Jeff Goldblum Will Be Missed
Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor Mark Sanford


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  1. LOL! i did see that rumor on twitter! when the MJ news exploded, but found an article quickly that said it was not true. Unfortunately it was someone’s idea of a joke…I am personally very glad that we still get to be entertained by Jeff Goldblum, he is too cool for words

  2. LOL and Laughed some more. How perfect is that? Jeff survived his non-trip and his non-fall. (snort – giggle -snort)