A Trekkie, Marvel Nerd and Whiterock Cliff Talk Broadway!

Bevin Article

What happens when you stick a Trekkie, a Marvel nerd, and me into a Zoom to chat about Broadway? You, the viewers of FanBolt will have to watch the video below to find out!

I had the honor of speaking with Mary Chieffo, who you might know as L’Rell from Star Trek Discovery, and the director of content development at Marvel New Media, Ellie Pyle. Together they have combined to make… an off-Broadway musical? Yes, yes they have.

You would think I would endlessly press Ellie for all the Marvel secrets… well, you would be right. Unfortunately, Ellie didn’t spill, but you can watch her tactfully avoid the questions for a few minutes. While we couldn’t discover any Marvel bombshells, we were able to discuss things like the return of San Diego Comic-Con, which shocker, we are very excited for.

Wait, did you read that they produced a musical? Yes, yes you did. Mary directed and Ellie co-wrote with Ryan McCurdy, a musical titled Whiterock Cliff. While the original music started off with an entire cast, in a pandemic world, they reworked the script into a one-man show. You might be thinking, that sounds so boring to watch one man through Zoom. Think again! Using three cameras, a great script and music, and a message board, this musical becomes something we haven’t seen before.

Want to learn more? Check out the video below silly, I’m not going to spell it out for you.

Video edited by Dennis Aronov


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