Morning Glory DVD Review: A Refreshing Romantic Comedy
I think it’s hard to see Rachel McAdams and not smile. She’s a breath of fresh air with her adorable smile. Morning Glory has much the same effect. Between McAdams’ cuteness, Harrison Ford’s fantastic lines, and the occasional appearance of one Jeff Goldblum, you find that it’s easy to thoroughly enjoy this film.
McAdams plays Becky. Becky just got fired from a local morning show in New Jersey, and finds herself frantically searching for a new job. She ends up in Manhattan working as an executive producer for “Day Break” – the morning show that is in last place rating wise. If the show is to stay on the air, Becky has her work cut out for her. It’s not easy considering the newest addition to the show, Mike (Harrison Ford), views the stories they’re covering as something that is beneath him. Luckily, Becky has a little help from co-anchor Colleen (Diane Keaton), and a little away-from-work encouragement from love interest Adam Bennett.
The script is strong and the cast is perfect. It’s like a strong cup of coffee for the romantic comedy genre, which usually focuses on relationships that are too sappy or to improbable to attract my attention or respect. But the diversity among characters and the fact that McAdams sells being cute, manic, and endearing far better than Katherine Heigl (or other equivalents) does makes this movie something that your boyfriend won’t be crabby about. It’s a romantic comedy – but it doesn’t come across as a chick flick. The only thing I wish I had seen… some scenes between Harrison Ford and Jeff Goldblum. I think that would have been golden, but this is coming from a girl that believes Jeff Goldblum should be in every movie.
Special features on the DVD are less than amusing. They could have just given us a commentary with Ford or Goldblum and I would be singing its praises, but instead we’re left with commentary from the writer and director and one deleted scene… which isn’t even funny. So I’m not sure the point of having extras at all on this one, but luckily for the audience – the movie is worth wild even if the extras leave a little to be desired.
Grade: A-
Review By: Emma Loggins
Official Website:
This sounds like a good movie. And who doesn’t like Harrison Ford. Another one on my list to see.
You can’t not love Harrison. He was a great addition to this movie!