Why We Love To Hate Our Favorite TV Villains
Why is it so good to be so bad? We love to hate our favorite TV villains, and without them our shows would be pretty boring. But what do these villains need to have in order for us to find them interesting?
We need to be able to relate to them somehow – perhaps they’ve been through a situation that we’ve also been through. Or perhaps the writers dig up a little viewer sympathy by having a flashback episode in which you realize they totally have a reason for being the way they are now. Benjamin from ‘Lost’ anyone?
One of our favorite shows ‘Eastwick’ is a great example of good girls being teased by the dark side. As our three favorite witches explore their new powers, they can’t help but be a little tempted by the dark side even though good at heart. If you could make someone do whatever you wanted them to, wouldn’t you be tempted? We sure would!
Which TV villain are you most like? And if you could get away with it, what would you do?
Watch Eastwick Wednesdays 10/9c on ABC!
I have been hired by Warner Bros WB Word division to help raise awareness for Eastwick