‘Covert Affairs’ 4.9 Episode Recap And Review: Team Campbell vs. Team Wilcox

Henry Wilcox is a master chess player. Every time someone at the agency tries to corner him, he always ends up being steps ahead of his opponent. Episode nine was no different when Teo Braga traveled to Denmark to avenge his mother’s death by murdering Wilcox, until Henry flipped the script and shot him first. Arthur tried to right his wrongs in the “Hang Wire” installment by hiring the best lawyer money could buy, but unfortunately he was too late, as his secrets have cost him the life of one of his own.

But is Teo really dead? Probably not, since Covert Affairs knows a thing or two about cover-ups. It makes perfect sense that he’d fake his own death considering he’s a presumed terrorist, which would allow him to move under the radar until Henry gets caught – unless Wilcox arrived to the German army base before Campbell and Walker and instructed the doctor on what to do/say. After all, there is evidence showing that he indeed has ties to the ALC group, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he just wants to make Campbell’s life a living hell. Remember when he declared “a son for a son”? It’s not like CA fans couldn’t see this happening from a mile away. Arthur had been warned.

What I didn’t see coming was Calder kidnapping Auggie for 15 hours, instead of turning him in to the FBI after finding Seth Newmann’s flash drive at his house. What was even more surprising was seeing Anderson confess and decode the data from the drive. Can Michaels be trusted? We’ll soon find out.

Share your theories for the summer finale below, and be sure to watch Covert Affairs on Tuesday, at 9p EST on USA!


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