What I Bought at the Dragon Con 2024 Vendor Hall & My Newest Hyperfixation

Every year, Dragon Con reminds us why it’s the best convention of the year. It never disappoints as the ultimate destination for nerd and geek culture enthusiasts. While the cosplay was as impressive as ever (and highlighted here and here), this year’s vendor hall truly outdid itself and my budget. Though, in comparison to the vendor hall shopping spree my husband and I took ourselves on last year, we actually feel a little more responsible this year.
The diversity of products was simply staggering, from rare comic book editions and limited-edition collectibles to cutting-edge cosplay gear and mesmerizing artwork.
As Team FanBolt navigated through the bustling aisles of all four floors, we were continually impressed by the ingenuity, craftsmanship, and sheer passion evident in every booth. The vendor hall wasn’t just a marketplace; it was a celebration of fandom in all its forms, and we were sooo there for it.
While we wish we could showcase every remarkable vendor, we were not allowed to take photos in the vendor hall. So, instead, we’ll show you the booths that compelled us to open our wallets and take a piece of the convention home with us. Check out a few of our favorite purchases from Dragon Con’s 2024 Vendor Hall below!
What I Bought at the Dragon Con 2024 Vendor Hall
My first purchase of the hall was at Aaron Reynolds’ Effin Birds booth. Before this encounter, I was unaware of this comically offensive, awesome brand. But after looking through a few of the items at the booth, I discovered what a god**** delight it and Mr. Reynolds are. Even got my new card set signed by the man himself!
Next up, we encountered the first art print that we simply could not leave behind. And, shocking no one that knows my husband and I, it featured the Mandalorian and Grogu, the cutest character from the Star Wars universe. Disagree? Fight me.
The print was by illustrator Ant Lucia, who has a pretty rad vintage pinup style/vibe to his work. Check it out below.
What We Do In The Shadows Merch
Next up, we found ourselves faced with another item we couldn’t walk away from – an acrylic, edge-lit sign featuring the logo of Nadja’s Nightclub, which, if you’re a fan of FX’s What We Do in the Shadows, you can’t not appreciate. And, considering our friend group, lovingly known as the Nerd Herd, always cosplays as the characters from this show (IG glitched out on that post BTW), we needed this for our home bar.
Next up, The Colorful Geek grabbed us, and our wallets, as they do every year. Last year, my husband and I grabbed a BAT! shirt from them, as well as Jackie Daytona Regular Human Bartender Shirt (Both, again, from What We Do in the Shadows).
This year, we picked up a pin banner – as Three If By Space‘s Robert Prentice’s hyperfixation is slowly rubbing off on the rest of us. Having a pin banner at least gives us some more surface area to display the pins (namely Disney Park pins and anything remotely nostalgic from our childhood) that are starting to pile up.
The Novelty Sock Game Was Strong at the Dragon Con 2024 Vendor Hall
While we’re on the topic of hyperfixations, that brings us to our next item that I simply could not leave behind, these “Per My Last Email” novelty socks, which made me giggle.
Ever have that one person, friend or professional colleague, who can’t seem to make it through a 3 sentence email and neglects to answer the basic question you asked? Or someone who actively decides to not embrace your words of wisdom and then acts like no one gave them a heads up they were about to do something stupid? If so, you probably need these too. Because, while the correspondence may make you pause with aggravation, these cute socks will remind you that you’re a boss.
Also, life is short, novelty socks make life more fulfilling. In the spirit of Parks of Recreation‘s Donna Meagle and Tom Haverford, Treat Yo Self.
My Latest and Greatest Hyperfixation
Lastly, let me introduce you to my newest hyperfixation. Patches. This was such a short runway off a slippery slope for me. And I spent a solid 80 bucks on patches in the Vendor Hall (and then find myself ordering another $70 worth off Etsy while I watched the Dragon Con 2024 Masquerade). I’m going to have a freaking rad denim jacket of fandom, you guys. Just wait. (Actually, probably two jackets because your geek girl might have too many patches now).
Here’s the haul from the Vendor Hall…
And here’s the current game plan… before last night’s Etsy shopping spree…
And yes, it may appear like there’s more room on the one side, but that’s specifically for travel patches because my mental health needs there to be order to this chaos (also, the rest are on the front).
And that’s it for this year’s purchases, which, again, was probably our most fiscally conservative Vendor Hall experience to date. Why the self-control, you ask? We’re all headed to Disney in a week, and anyone who has been to Disney before knows how that’s going to go. 🙂
The Vendor Hall Line: What You Need to Know for 2025
While it typically takes a little time to get into the hall, it’s worth it. The line usually wraps around the second America’s Mart building (and into a garage for a bit – as you can see in the photo below), but it moves fast and gives you the opportunity to make friends in line. So don’t pass up the opportunity to stop by for Dragon Con 2025!
As far as the best times to visit the Vendor Hall. I’ve heard that if you don’t mind missing the Dragon Con Parade – that is actually the best time to go. But directly after the parade is one of the worst times to go, so know your timing!
Our group always goes on Sunday afternoon around noon-ish – and we’ve never waited more than 90 minutes. Though, an hour has more average for us over the years.
Bring neck fans for the line (as you can see myself and FanBolt contributor Ashley have in the photo above). Also be sure to have some water with you to stay hydrated – it makes the wait to get inside the hall far less icky!
Did you visit the Vendor Hall this weekend? Let us know what you picked up below!