LaBeouf’s Misdemeanor Charges Dropped
TRANSFORMERS star SHIA LaBEOUF has had charges against him for trespassing in a discount store dropped.
The 21-year-old actor, who plays Indiana Jones’ sidekick in the upcoming Harrison Ford adventure film, was charged with public misdemeanor last month
(04Nov07) after refusing to leave a Chicago, Illinois Walgreens store at 2am while appearing inebriated.
But the case was dropped at a Chicago court on Wednesday (12Dec07), meaning the actor will not be prosecuted over the incident, reports
Shia’s attorney said his client was delighted with the news, adding: “He is happy to put this behind him and get back to work.”
Marissa wrote: yay! <3 haha
Marlies wrote: I am happy for him.
oth-&-vm-lover wrote: yay. i am happy for him too!!!
he seems so nice and genuine.
skalobster11 wrote: Walgreens is great though…I wouldn’t want to leave either ha
Joanne (OCallyFaN80) wrote: Thank God. It was pretty ridiculous if you think about it. lol
Kristen wrote: I’m glad! 🙂
tlh33 wrote: i’m glad for him!