Cyrus Defends Controversial Photoshoot
HANNAH MONTANA star MILEY CYRUS has defended a photoshoot in which she is seen frolicking with a female companion – insisting the photos are entirely “innocent”.
The 15-year-old faced a storm of criticism after the pictures, which showed her rolling around on a hotel room floor and sharing a piece of candy with a friend, were leaked on the Internet and deemed to have inappropriate sexual undertones.
But the teenager has hit back claiming there is nothing erotic about the images.
She says, “They’re nothing bad! It’s not something I’m going to let slide.
I’m really upset about it, ’cause it was, like, not even a big deal.
“That’s one of my best friends. I have all these girls who I hang out with all the time. It’s two girls at a sleepover, and if all of a sudden that’s bad, then what is the world coming to?”
Check out a couple of the pics at the link below:
OTH man wrote: I have to agree with Miley on this one
considering every 15 year old girl has sleepovers and take 1000000 pictures nowadays anyways
xtremequeen wrote: The pics aren’t bed. But I think that her parents better keep their eyes on her….
tlh33 wrote: they need to leave her alone..come on..she’s only 15!