Burton & Bonham Carter Unveil Baby Nell

TIM BURTON and HELENA BONHAM CARTER have finally revealed their seven-month-old
daughter’s name – NELL.

The actress gave birth to the couple’s second child on 16 December (07), and
in January (08) it was reported they had named her Indiana Rose.

But Bonham Carter has now confirmed she is called Nell, a diminutive of

And the star admits it is a common theme in her family – her mother is called
Elena and her grandmother was called Helene.

A spokesman for the star tells People.com, “Her name was never going to be
Indiana Rose.”

The couple also has a son, four-year-old Billy Ray.



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  1. Kristen wrote: OMG. I thought it said Barton, as in Mischa Barton I was like wtf, when did she get preggers. Then I realized it said Burton haha. Well congrats to them I love Tim he’s awesome.