Bret Michaels: “I Could Have Died”

After being rushed to the hospital with potentially fatal appendicitis, Bret Michaels has reassured his fans that he is recovering from surgery.

When Michaels suspected a stomach flu ahead of a San Antonio concert on April 11 could be more than just the flu, doctors confirmed his intuitive thoughts and informed him that the concert could have very well been his last. On his blog at, The Poison frontman describes the reason behind his suspicion:

“I was throwing up all day and really thought I had just got a severe case of the flu. About 10 minutes before show time doctors got on the bus and said, ‘Bret we really don’t think this is the flu’ and told me that I WAS GOING TO THE HOSPITAL.

“After a CAT scan, they determined it was acute appendicitis and they performed emergency surgery right there in the middle of the night. After the fact, they told me that if I had gone onstage like I wanted to, it likely would have ruptured and I could have died. Not good.”

Michaels is in recovery, though because of his history as a diabetic, the normal four to six week mark of recovery for the procedure may be a bit more lengthy for the star. I’m sure he’ll be back rockin’ in no time.


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