Charlie Sheen’s Ex-Wife Obtains Restraining Order
While Charlie Sheen is racking up the interviews for his latest chaotic episode [no pun intended], ex-wife Brooke Mueller is obtaining all the paperwork needed to ensure he’ll stay far away from her.
It is confirmed that Brooke Mueller obtained an emergency restraining order from Los Angeles Superior Court against her soon-to-be ex-husband Charlie Sheen this past Tuesday.
The order requires that Charlie is to stay 100 yards away from Mueller and have no contact with her. The couple’s twin boys, Bob and Max, were not included in the order. Rumors however [though none have yet to be confirmed], that Mueller is attempting to temporarily remove Sheen’s parental rights until he has straightened his act up have surfaced.
It is also expected that Sheen will be asked by Mueller’s lawyers to not include their “personal problems” in his near future interviews that focus mainly on his recent conflicts with creators and producers of hit television series Two And A Half Men. “Great, I was already planning on staying 100 parsecs [a term from Star wars equivalent to 3.26 light years] away from her,” Sheen told media outlet TMZ, later adding that he was considering getting a restraining order against Mueller because of her erratic behavior.