Charlie Sheen’s Children Removed From Home
Yesterday, a judge temporarily stripped Charlie Sheen of custody of his twin sons yesterday. Brooke Mueller submitted a declaration, stating that Charlie said the following:
“I will cut off your head, put it in a box and send it to your mom.”
Sheen late last night surrendered the twins back to Mueller. She also claims that back on February 23rd that Charlie threw a phone inside his house and then with a penknife in hand, threatened to stick it in Brooke’s eye. Mueller is currently in day treatment for her substance abuse issues, and while she is in treatment, her mother will care for the children. She will get to see children about four hours a day. Sheen’s team plans to go to court today and try to undo the order. Charlie Sheen tweeted the following last night:
“My sons are fine … My path is now clear …. Defeat is not an option!”