Details On ‘Glee’-Themed ‘The Office’ Episode

Paul Lieberstein, the executive producer of ‘The Office’, recently talked about the upcoming episode that will revolve around ‘Glee’. He said the episode, set to air November 11th, will revolve around the cast going to a ‘Glee’ viewing party hosted by Gabe (Zach Woods).

“Gabe is hosting it, and it’s mostly thrown by Erin, who would like the office, and particularly Michael, to like Gabe a little more,” he said. “So she thinks this will make him a little more popular if he hosts the party.”

Apparently Kelly Kapoor will be the biggest Gleek on the show. “Although she claims to hate the show, she knows everything about it. And Oscar feels like everyone should stop assuming he’s a big Gleek because he’s gay.” Lieberstein says that the heads of NBC “weren’t thrilled” at the concept of promoting a Fox show, but they let it happen.


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