Samsung’s Galaxy Note 3 Takes Another Leap Forward, Still Ideal for Mobile Gaming
Over the past couple of years I’ve been covering the Galaxy Note here on FanBolt. I absolutely loved the idea of a middle ground between phone and tablet when they first announced the original Note. I still love it. The Galaxy Note 2 took my love for the phone even further with its sleek design and it’s been my primary phone since it released. So, what do I think of the Galaxy Note 3 now that it has released? Well, once again, I’ve found myself impressed with what Samsung continues to do with their Galaxy Note phones.
Obviously, the power and specs with the phone are impressive enough, but the design is gorgeous and the menus feel even smoother than before. It once again found a way to quickly steal my heart. I am amazed by how much thinner the Galaxy Note 3 is compared to the Note 2. It makes my once favorite phone feel big and heavy, which is something I didn’t even think about at first. The Note 3 almost feels breakable because of how light it is. I certainly don’t ever want to accidentally drop it on anything!
It doesn’t matter though because I just can’t stop being impressed by the phone. My Galaxy Note 2 has been replaced with an incredible new model that is worthy in every aspect. This includes speed, functions, crispness of the screen, and it’s lighter and more portable size, even though the screen looks slightly bigger. Its overall design is simply sleek looking as well! Though I must say I do have one minor complaint about the phone. It does tend to get incredibly hot on the backside when playing games. That’s my only complaint about the phone. Besides that, it’s pretty much darn near perfect! Even for taking lovely pictures! Its 13 megapixel camera is something to drool over in a phone.
The Galaxy Note 3 is the perfect on-the-go tool for anyone. It’s so much more than just a phone, it’s a piece of brilliance. It’s perfect for work, which I use it all the time now to swipe through my news and emails. I can’t get enough of the lovely stylus! There is just so much to cover with this phone, but my final conclusion says that it’s a must have and a worthy replacement for the Galaxy Note 2.
Now let’s get into the really good stuff! This has been a wonderful year full of great games released on the Google Play store. The Galaxy Note provides that slightly larger screen that makes most games more enjoyable to play, especially for those who don’t have a tablet. A lot of these games are free-to-play titles that don’t require constant nagging to purchase something. So let’s take a look at some of my favorite free-to-play titles, along with a few that cost only a couple hundred pennies at most.
Dead Trigger 2
This is a newly released, free-to-play shooter that’s both beautiful looking and easy to play on the Galaxy Note 3. It allows players to simply move and aim the gun without having to press a fire button. The gun fires automatically once aimed on the target and it worked incredibly well. For those who like to survive zombies and want a very good looking game to play on their Galaxy Note 3, this is a fantastic choice!
Asphalt 8: Airborne
Here is one of my favorite games of the year so far. Not one of my favorite mobile games, one of my favorite games. Whether a player uses the MOGA controller or the touch screen controls, this is some of the best arcade racing I’ve experienced in quite a long time. What makes things even better for those who haven’t played it yet is that it just went free. There is no excuse why anyone should not try out this fast-paced, high flying racing title!
All fans of the great sport of soccer – football – should also enjoy this free-to-play version of FIFA 14 Ultimate Team. It features multiple ways of playing the game, including new touch controls that are actually quite entertaining. Obviously, it’s not as hardcore as the console versions, but every FIFA fan should definitely give this one a go. It also lets users upload their favorite goals directly to YouTube!
Riptide GP 2
Riptide GP was one of my first true loves with mobile gaming. Riptide GP 2 expanded upon that with even greater visuals and more entertaining courses that have players loving to get wet. Those who like games like Wave Race need to absolutely consider paying a few dollars to own this one. It features great racing with simple controls, and it also makes use of the MOGA controllers.
Golf Star
Here was a surprise favorite from the year. Golf fans will enjoy the simple casual gameplay that this title offers. It has beautiful courses to navigate each hole, and features plenty of upgrades that can keep golfers entertained for days. It’s also free-to-play and has a slightly screwy free-to-play time-based system, but it’s not horrible at all.
The Galaxy Note has always been my preferred phone for gaming and that’s absolutely still the case. It’s fantastic being able to play a lot of these games with the graphics settings all the way up, having no slow down. Mobile gaming continues to get more impressive every year and the Galaxy Note 3 is a fantastic phone to make sure everyone can enjoy all the latest apps in their full potential.
I’ve also had the privilege to play some of these games with the latest controllers from MOGA. This includes the MOGA Pro Power console style controller and the MOGA Hero Power slim portable style controller. These controllers can actually supply power the user’s phone while playing games by connecting the phone to the controller. That’s a pretty impressive feature. No longer do my games completely drain the battery life out of my phone. Though, I must say the Note 3 does have a pretty good battery. I love being able to play longer with the power support from the controllers. Plus, the Galaxy Note 3 looks fantastic hooked up to the MOGA Pro Power controller.
Dungeon Hunter 4 is a game I wasn’t planning on including in the article. However, I do love my dungeon crawlers and it supports the MOGA controller. I must say that this was a great game to put the controllers to the test. I was able to get a console-like feeling out of my controls, especially with the Pro, using the control sticks to move and the buttons to attack. It’s much better than touchscreen controls – so much better and more natural. It’s definitely a recommended choice for players to check out with the controllers.
Which controller would I recommend though? The slim controller is more portable for taking around town and carrying in a pocket. Those are good things about it. However, I find it to be uncomfortably small for my hands. I just don’t like how it feels and handles. That’s my only major complaint with it, but it is a significant problem for me. I should also note that the trigger buttons are a little stiff, which feels unnatural. For those with smaller hands, this would still be a decent option because of its smaller size and the portability factor, but I must say that people with bigger hands should probably avoid the slim model.
As for the MOGA Pro Power, it’s perfect! It’s the ideal size and familiar shape to those who like the Xbox 360 controller. It feels natural and works wonderfully well with the supported games. I went from using the slim controller to the Pro controller and was met with great excitement once I started gaming with the Pro. This is the ideal choice for all mobile gamers who are looking for a more natural controller set with their mobile games. Whether gamers are playing Dungeon Hunter 4 or Riptide GP 2, it’s wonderful to have the Pro controller in hand.
The Galaxy Note 3 certainly is a brilliant phone for everyday use. It’s even more brilliant when paired with the MOGA controllers and all the latest games that are coming to the Google Play store. With mobile games requiring more and more power, it’ll be important to keep up with the latest technology for those who have any hopes of playing them. The Galaxy Note 3 is once again the ideal choice.
I’m always digging around, finding the latest and greatest apps. If anyone has any questions regarding apps or the Galaxy Note 3, please ask in a comment below or send me a tweet at @CaffeinatedGamr