A Weekend of Firsts: FanBolt Covers The Quidditch World Cup
This weekend I’ll be in Harry Potter mode. I will have the chance, no, the pleasure of attending the International Quidditch Association’s Quidditch World Cup in Randall Island, NY. The mixture of elements from the Harry Potter novels with 2,000 athletes composing the 100 teams that will be competing, it is no wonder why Fox News calls it “a cross between the Super Bowl and a medieval festival.”
For the past four years, I could only imagine what it would be like to catch a quidditch match and the experience of the World Cup. Now, I am ecstatic to say I will no longer be living vicariously through others, latching onto YouTube videos and tweets of the event. This year, I will be attending and using the opportunity to cover the event for FanBolt.
Not only will this be my first World Cup, it will be my first time to New York City. The excitement I have for attending the World Cup is tripled for this weekend. For me, this will be a weekend of “firsts.” My first quidditch match, my first World Cup and my first trip to “the Big Apple.”
If you happen to be at the event, tweet me (@KimFanBolt) and let me know. I will be looking for spectators to quote for the articles I will be writing for FanBolt. If you are unable to make it, follow me on Twitter for constant updates on this enchanted event.
World Cup: http://www.worldcupquidditch.com/index.php
By: Kimberly Gallagher