Syfy’s 5th Annual Press Tour: The Panels, The Parks And More!
Last month I had the pleasure of attending the 5th Annual Syfy Digital Press Tour. This year’s the event took place in Orlando, Florida again (though we were in a different hotel this year – the Loew’s Royal Pacific Resort), and it was even more fun than last year’s event.
The event started out with a luau hosted by Destination Truth‘s Josh Gates. We were welcomed by Syfy’s Dave Howe and Mark Stern and enjoyed a tasty dinner along with talent from several Syfy shows. I dined next to Robin Dunne and Amanda Tapping from Sanctuary, grabbed a drink with Eureka‘s Colin Ferguson and caught up with Sam Witwer, Sam Huntington and Meaghan Rath from Being Human.
After dinner wrapped, they swept us over to Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios. They split us up into small groups to tour the haunted houses and enjoy some of the park’s other attractions as well. We had Sam Witwer, Sam Huntington and Meaghan Rath in our group. Meaghan comically revealed that she’s actually terrified of ghosts despite playing one on television. She was a little reluctant to go into the houses.
It started to rain, but that didn’t slow our group down. We put on ponchos and proceed to ride a roller coaster. At this stage I was seriously regretting my choice of attire – a dress, but it thankfully worked out. After another hour or so in the park, we all said our goodbyes and headed off to bed. The next day would start early and go until after midnight.
Syfy had breakfast waiting for us before the panels began the next morning. One of the best things about these events is that you get to see old press friends that you don’t get to see too much throughout the rest of the year. Sure, we’d seen each other at Comic Con back in July, but we didn’t get to really socialize. This event always provides great social activities for us to catch up and chat about what all has happened since we last hung out.
Our schedule is copied below along with links to coverage that is up on FanBolt already:
Panel 1 – Being Human
Panel 2 – Neverland (Check out quotes here)
Panel 3 – Face Off
Panel 4 – Warehouse 13 / Eureka / Haven
Panel 5 – Lost Girl
Lunch with Amanda Tapping and Robin Dunne @ Jake’s American Bar
Panel 6 – Monster Man
Panel 7 – WWE Friday Night Smackdown
Panel 8 – Surprise Panel – Total Blackout
I have to say that panel 8 was probably my favorite. It turned out to be a teaser for Total Blackout a new reality series which is coming to Syfy next year. It’s big overseas, and after seeing a couple clips – it’s not hard to see why. The idea is that you put a group of people in a completely dark room. Only they’re not alone – sometimes it’s something creepy and scary in the room with them (snakes, insects, etc..), or sometimes it’s something harmless – like a goat. In order to introduce us press and bloggers to the new series, Syfy selected a few of us to take part in a demonstration of the series – only they didn’t tell us what we were signing up for – or why we were having to sign waivers in case we were seriously injured. Yours truly was MIA during this sign up – and it was probably for the best as I don’t mesh well with snakes…
After this, we hurried back to our rooms, changed clothes and headed out to Mythos Patio at Islands of Adventure to enjoy an open bar and appetizers (including some of the best mini-burgers I’ve ever had!). From there, we all headed over to Wizarding World of Harry Potter where we had the park to ourselves for the next 3 hours. It was just press, Syfy executives and Syfy talent, and it was amazing! It’s not every day you get to ride a roller coaster with Colin Ferguson, Emily Rose, and Josh Gates… or chat up Rhys Ifans – an actual cast member of Harry Potter while in the Harry Potter theme park!
Check out some pictures from the evening below with Jaleel White, Rhys Ifans, Anna Friel, and some of my press pals!
When we arrived back in our hotel rooms that night, we were greeted with a little present from Syfy and Total Blackout. I couldn’t help but giggle… Those folks at Syfy consistently have some of the best marketing pieces and press kits.
After all is said and done – this is still my favorite press event of the year, and I can’t wait until 2012 for the 6th Annual Syfy Digital Press Tour!
Your Pop Culture Junkie,
Emma Loggins