A Look Back At Comic Con 2012 And What Fans Can Expect In 2013

Yesterday the San Deigo Comic Con 2013 hotel lottery opened, and thousands and thousands of fans got their hotel submissions in as quickly as possible in hopes of being close to Comic Con 2013. As our staff here at FanBolt submitted our requests and finalized our press registration, we couldn’t help but reminisce about Comic Con 2012, and what 2013 would hold! We wanted to share with you a bit more about what our Comic Con experience is like….

Here’s my breakdown of FanBolt’s Comic Con 2012 experience!

Comic Con 2012
Comic Con 2012
Comic Con 2012
Comic Con 2012

Preview Night

For 2012, I brought 3 writers in addition to myself to the convention. This was a huge help in allowing us to cover more press rooms – which all seemed to be at the same time this year. On Wednesday night, we went ahead and picked up our press badges so we’d be ready to go for the first panel on Thursday morning which was the packed out Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2 press panel.

This was the first year that I’ve been at preview night when the doors have opened. I like to call this event – The Run Of The Nerds. Everyone knows the booths they want to visit first… the ones that are likely to have the best swag… and they’re not keen on listening to the “proceed in a calm and orderly fashion.”

Mass chaos though it was, I was super excited to take part in this. I walked away with a bag from CBS’s new series Elementary, some sharpies from some other CBS shows, and a TV Guide from the Warner Brothers booth. Obviously, nerd though I am, I’m not very good at The Run Of The Nerds. All of the good swag I picked up came later in the convention.

The most exciting part of Preview Night for me was getting “harnessed” at the TNT Falling Skies booth. I continued to revisit this booth every day of convention. I have my two favorite harnessing pictures below.

Comic Con Falling Skies

Comic Con Falling Skies

Day 1: Thursday

My first big event of the convention was the The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 panel which was first thing on Thursday morning. I have to say that it’s amazing to watch how the cast members have evolved as far as handling the press. During my first Comic Con 4 years ago, Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson seemed utterly lost – Taylor Lautner not carried the interview, but he also proved that he was the “people person” among the cast. This year though, everyone had something to say and everyone seemed at ease saying it – even the beautiful Kristen Stewart seems more comfortable in her own shoes now. I’ll have more coverage from this panel coming shortly!

My next event of the day was at the Movies On Demand blogger lounge. I got the opportunity to take part in a one hour interview session with Morgan Spurlock. You can see the picture I grabbed with him up on the left side of the photo wall.

Spurlock spoke mostly on his film Comic-Con Episode IV: A Fan’s Hope, and how he believes that heart of Comic Con is still comics – that Hollywood hasn’t overridden it. Not sure how many Con-goers will agree with that statement… but it’s definitely important to remember how the Con originally got started – and that the heart of it was comics.

The film is a must-see for anyone that has been to Comic Con or has any interest at all in going. It’s a great look into what the convention is about and the types of people that attend – their talents will just blow your mind.

My fellow FanBolt writers Jenn, Alexandra, and Dhalyn covered a handful of other panels for me on this day as well including: Frankenweenie, Expendables 2, and Psych. One of my personal favorite interviews of the day… Archer!

That night we had the pleasure of attending a party thrown for the series Haven thrown by eOne. In addition to the cast and crew of the series, The Femmes Fatales were there also there along with EMO Phillips!

Comic Con Haven Party

Day 2: Friday

One of my personal favorite quotes from today interview…

“People always asked me with #Lost why the writers didn’t tell us more. My theory was they didn’t know.” – Terry O’Quinn http://ow.ly/cr0eI

Day 3: Saturday

This night our crew was also able to attend NBC’s digital press party where were able to mix and mingle with cast members for Revolution, the now cancelled Animal Practice (one of my favorite Con photos below!), Grimm and more!

Comic Con NBC Party

A special things to all the PR firms, studios, networks, and my new and old friends that aided in this being the best Comic Con yet. I wish that we got to do this more than once a year… even though that would be total madness.

Check out all of my coverage from Comic Con 2012, and know that we have TONS more coming for Comic Con 2013! This was a just a selection of some of our favorite moments!

Article By: Emma Loggins


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  1. 🙂 I so wish I could go to them but thanks to you Emma we get to experience it. Love the monkey 🙂 Thanks again for sharing these memories with us. Love them 🙂