Band ‘Sets It Off’ While Touring the U.S.
A little over two years after their first show in July 2008, Set It Off have been touring the all over the country and promoting their CD, “Calm Before the Storm.”
Completing their twelve tour last month, the four-piece pop rock band composed of vocalist Cody Carson, guitarists Zach Something and Clermont and Austin Kerr on Bass, has no intentions of stopping.
“We tour the country so much and it is always amazing to see how different places can be,” Something said in an exclusive interview with FanBolt. “[My] favorite part is definitely meeting new people and playing shows to our amazing fan base. Least favorite part is missing family and friends back home.”
Regardless of everything they may miss about their hometown of Tampa, Florida, being on stage seems to make up for a little portion of their homesickness.
“The best part about live shows is when your crowd is into the show as much as you are,” Something said. “Like, singing along and dancing, that just fuels us to play even more.”
After working hard on a long grueling tour, the four boys enjoy returning to the home that they love. Something says Tampa is where they do something as a band. Write, practice and play shows. He says that it is a great place to be around with a great night life too.
While the city of Tampa might inspire Set It Off’s music, the guitarist says that they can draw inspiration from any activity throughout the day.
“[We are inspired] from girls to parties to friends, to anything and everything you can think of,” Something said.
According to Something, music is more than just playing shows for the fans; he believes that it is the best way of communicating to express emotion. The guitarist says that it is an amazing feeling to be able to chance someone’s out look on a situation with “just a song.” This is the overall goal of the band.
“Reach out to as many kids as possible,” Something said. “Hopefully help them in some way with our music.”
In between tours, not only is Set It Off preparing for their next tour, they often fill their days with writing and recording new songs, which the guitarist says the new set of tracks they have recently recorded are his favorite.
“I feel as if we stumbled upon a new sound that will really grab people’s attention,” Something said. “The songs are dark and happy at the same time. We are really excited for people to hear them!”
Something says that Set It Off enjoys releasing their music as an unsigned band because they do not owe money to anyone and they do not have to worry about pleasing a label with their actions. But similar to most unsigned bands, money can be tight. The band says they would like to sign with a label, but they are not currently seeking one.
“We want a record label that will come to us with a very good deal,” Something said. “[A label] that will take care of us like a family would.”
Until they land the right record deal for them, Set It Off plans to keep making music and planning tours to gain more exposure on the music scene.
“Touring is definitely one of the main things you will be seeing,” Something said. “We are so very excited for everyone to hear and see the music. Also, you can expect to hear new songs very soon!”
Set It Off’s music can be heard on MySpace and purchased through iTunes.
Interview by Kim Gallagher
probably a pretty good show!