‘Doctor Who: The Time of the Doctor’ DVD/Blu-ray Review
Whovians everywhere are waiting with bated breath for the return of Doctor Who this fall. Until then, BBC Worldwide is putting out a little something to tide us over, the DVD/Blu-ray release of Doctor Who: The Time of the Doctor, known colloquially as the “2013 Christmas Special” and “But I don’t want Matt to go yet!”
In addition to the rather heart-wrenching episode itself, the DVD/Blu-ray includes three massive specials in the bonus features:
- “Behind the Lens” is an in-depth look at the making of The Time of the Doctor. We get interviews from cast and crew (including a fun bit with one of the pyrotechnics experts!), behind-the-scenes shots, and what it was like for everyone to film the end of a Doctor Who era. Fun fact: Clara’s step-mum and gran both appeared on previous episodes of Doctor Who!
- “Farewell to Matt Smith” is a look back at Matt Smith’s era on the show. For those of us who watched the Christmas special on BBC America, this is the show that aired immediately before The Time of the Doctor. I won’t lie. I still sniffled.
- “Tales from the TARDIS” watches kind of like a Doctor Who primer, but so much more. They talk to everyone they could get their hands on. Six different Doctors, nine companions, and a Dalek. It’s a fascinating watch and I seriously enjoyed every minute of it. Great for fans of classic Who as well as the newer episodes.
I definitely think this one is a worthy addition to any Doctor Who collection. The special features alone are worth the buy, and I couldn’t forgo having Matt Smith’s final(-ish) appearance on my own shelf.
Doctor Who: The Time of the Doctor hits stores March 4th!
Grade: A