‘Suits’ 3.11 Recap And Review: How Committed Are You To Me?
“In life there are no secrets. Just hidden truths that lie beneath the surface.” – Dexter Morgan
Michael C. Hall may not have anything to do with Suits, but his quote from season one of the former crime drama on Showtime can most certainly be applied to Suits’ “Buried Secrets” episode. Louis (Rick Hoffman) is hot on Mike’s (Patrick J. Adams) trail, and the firm’s future is in jeopardy once again. After noticing a minor detail on Ross’ Harvard Law transcript, Litt begins to question his entire existence, and decides to investigate the whereabouts of his origin.
Meanwhile, Harvey (Gabriel Macht) and Scottie (Abigail Spencer) attempt to make new strides in their relationship – starting with the pair being honest with each other. But as any loyal Suits fan knows, the truth comes with a price, and Specter is the kinda guy who puts his money where his mouth is, so in an effort to keep Dana in his life he fronts her buy-in to the firm. It isn’t the most romantic gesture, but at least Macht’s character is experiencing some personal growth. How long will it last? Who knows? Harvey is a great lawyer, but as Jessica (Gina Torres) noted, the man has some pretty serious commitment issues when it comes to the opposite sex, so it’ll be interesting to see how the Specter-Spencer dynamic will play out in the future.
Mike and Rachel’s relationship will also be fun to watcg now that they will be living and working together under the same roof. With Ross’ secret becoming known to more people as time progress, it will only make things more complicated between them. Since Louis Litt doesn’t look like the kinda guy that can keep secrets, I wouldn’t be surprised if he reports Mike to the bar for practicing without a license once he learns the truth – unless Pearson can put a stop Litt’s operation because let’s face it: the firm has seen a huge turn over rate in the last three years, so it all comes down to how committed everyone is to one another if they want to stay afloat.
On tonight’s episode (March 13) Stephen Macht (Gabriel’s dad) guest stars as Professor Gerard. Be sure to tune in to see what happens next at 9p EST.