A Look At Dean And Sam’s ‘Supernatural’ Separation

At the end of Season 5 of Supernatural, Dean and Sam were separated for roughly a year. Sam was in hell and hunting, and Dean tried to go on with his life… living with a woman he fell in love with along with her child. At the being of Season 6, the two brothers are reunited, but it’s obvious to the viewer that something about Sam is a little off…

In promotion for the Season 6 DVD release of Supernatural, we wanted to ask fans – What’s the longest seperation you’ve had with your sibling or best friend? What was the first thing you did when you were re-united? Were things ever the same as they were before the separation? Like with Dean and Sam… things weren’t the same as they were before Sam went to hell.

Sound off in our comment section below!

Disclaimer: I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote Supernatural: Season 6.


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