The Cast of Syfy’s ‘Being Human’ Reunites at Dragon Con 2014
The cast of Syfy’s Being Human reunited at Atlanta’s Dragon Con last weekend, and FanBolt was super excited to be there for it. Having interviewed the cast multiple times over the years, we’ve come to know what to expect out of these guys – A crazy, uncensored, hilariously awesome interview.
Our 30 minutes with them was no exception. You can see the full madness in the interview videos below, but we have a couple highlights we’ve pulled out as well.
When asked about their thoughts on the ending of multiple popular series, including their own, as well as how they feel about the future of television as a whole, Kristen Hager replied, “I feel like television has never been more exciting. Every day there’s new cable networks that are popping up… I’m more excited than ever to do television.”
The fellas of the Being Human cast also shared what DC Universe superheroes they’d want to play with Sam Witwer decidedly proclaiming, “Batman,” while Sam Huntington said, “I think I’d be a good Robin. He was an acrobat. I think it would be fun.” Meaghan wanted to get in on the superhero action as well and playfully suggested that Huntington “would have been a good Robin’s brother,” after learning that Witwer voiced Aquaman’s brother in a new project.
Check out the full interviews below!
The Cast of Syfy’s ‘Being Human’ Reunites at Dragon Con 2014
Photo Credit: Syfy