Hyrule Warriors Wii U Live Stream Today on Twitch

Who’s ready to see some hack-n-slash action from the upcoming release of Hyrule Warriors, the game that combines The Legend of Zelda universe with the highly entertaining gameplay of Dynasty Warriors? I’m certainly ready!

Today, September 17th, at 5:30pm EST, 2:30pm PST, I’ll be live streaming 30 minutes of gameplay footage from the upcoming Nintendo Wii U game that’s set to release on September 26th. Hyrule Warriors lets players annihilate hundreds of enemies at a time with the likes of Link, Zelda, Midna, and other characters from the Zelda franchise. Players will get to advance through a story to unlock new playable characters that each feature unique moves and weapon types, ensuring for long enjoyable hours of gameplay with different characters.

So get ready to watch as I cut through seemingly unlimited enemies using exciting moves and attacks while protecting and reclaiming landmarks recognizable to all Zelda fans that have played the series. Such landmarks include Hyrule Field and the Palace of Twilight.

That’s enough talk, though, as it’s time to get on to the live stream. You can view the live stream of Hyrule Warriors by watching below or by going to my Twitch channel at CaffeinatedGamr. Remember, show starts at 5:30pm EST, 2:30pm PST, and will last for approximately 30 minutes.

Hyrule Warriors
Nintendo Wii U
September 17th, 2014
5:30pm EST, 2:30pm PST

Watch live video from CaffeinatedGamr on www.twitch.tv


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