Jamie Lee Curtis and Christopher Guest Renewed Vows for 30th Anniversary
Jamie Lee Curtis and Christopher Guest celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary last year by quietly renewing their vows while on vacation.
The star tied the knot with Guest in December, 1984 and they decided to mark their anniversary a little earlier than planned last summer when they embarked on an historical trek to Missouri, where U.S. explorers Captain Meriwether Lewis and Lieutenant William Clark traveled in the early 1800s, on what has since become known as the Corps of Discovery Expedition.
Curtis explains, “Our anniversary is December 18th and the way we celebrated was we wanted to do a trip – we retraced… a section of the Lewis and Clark trip on the Missouri River… in July.
“We paddled with eight friends of ours… in two-man canoes… and it was just extraordinary, in the White Cliffs section of the Missouri River being out (in) the same, exact stretch that Lewis and Clark saw when they did their trip.
“It just was a perfect way to celebrate.”
Curtis reveals the vacation was brought to a fitting end with an unexpected vow renewal ceremony.
She adds, “We had an impromptu redoing of our vows, right at the last (moment)… It was perfect and probably the trip of our lifetime.”
Photo Credit:Featureflash / Shutterstock.com