‘Doctor Who’ Star David Tennant to Co-Star in Animated Comic Adaptation ‘Chew’
What do you get when you cast a former Doctor Who star and a current The Walking Dead star in the same series? Well we’re about to find out! David Tennant is set to provide his voices to the new animated feature adaptation of the popular comic, Chew, joining The Walking Dead star Seven Yeun..
Tennant has stepped in to fill the role of Mason Savoy, a part in which the late Robin Williams was originally cast. Williams died before the film was finished, delaying production on the movie. In the comics, Savoy is main character Tony Chu’s former mentor/ present villain.
The Walking Dead‘s Steven Yeun was previously cast as Chu and Felicia Day as his love interest. Yeun and Day recorded their parts last year before the stall, but Tennant was reportedly in the studio working on his part last week.
“Chew centers on a detective (Yeun) who is a “cibopath,” a person who gets psychic impressions from whatever he eats, and is set in a world where bird meats are illegal after bird flu killed millions of Americans. (Day is his love interest, a food critic who can write about food so precisely the reader actually feels like they are tasting it.)” reports THR.
Will you check out Chew when it hits theaters? Talk to us in the comments below!
Photo Credit:Helga Esteb / Shutterstock.com/Helga Esteb / Shutterstock.com