Dempsey Suffered Movie Depression
Actor PATRICK DEMPSEY suffered depression on the set of his new movie ENCHANTED
– because he felt desperately out of his depth making a semi-animated movie.
The Grey’s Anatomy star struggled acting alongside imaginary creatures, and doubted his acting abilities for the first time in his career.
He says, “It was a real challenge. There’s a scene where birds are coming in, and I’m reacting: `Was it big enough or is it too big?’
“I’d go home and be completely depressed because I was like, `Am I making this movie work?’ It was like, `Please just let me go back to Grey’s Anatomy.'”
Side Note – Patrick Dempsey is dreamy. I just felt the need to include that. 🙂
*Twinkle* wrote: Awwww.. *hugs him* That’s so cute. We love you, Patrick! Teehee..