Charlie Sheen to Make ‘Revealing Personal Announcement’ on ‘Today’

In a sudden turn of events, wild-man and actor Charlie Sheen is reportedly set to make a “revealing personal announcement” tomorrow on Today.
The announcement of the news from Today was short and to the point:
In a TODAY exclusive, Charlie Sheen will make a revealing personal announcement on Tuesday, November 17, in a sit-down interview with Matt Lauer.
TMZ has reported that the revealing announcement will be that the actor is HIV positive, citing sources close to the Today show. Earlier this week, a blind item surfaced that a Hollywood actor had suffered from the diagnosis for a long time, despite his high profile romantic trysts and dalliances and many connected it to Sheen.
Hollywood publicist and crisis manager Howard Bragman told People that he’s known about Charlie’s diagnosis for years. “It’s been going on for quite awhile. He’s not necessarily comfortable talking about it. It was very hard to get up the courage for him to talk about it.”
“I’ve known about this a long time, it’s not a surprise to me,” Bragman went on to say. “I feel very sorry for his pain. And I hope it’s used as a teachable moment for the world. This is a disease that can affect anyone.”
If you want to learn more about living with HIV/AIDS and/or to contribute in the fight against the diseases, head on over to
What do you think of the rumor? If you don’t believe it, let us know what you think Sheen could be revealing in the comments below.
Photo Credit: CarlaVanWagoner /