Yooka-Laylee Release Date Confirmed as Wii U Edition Cancelled
Publisher Team17 and UK developer Playtonic Games have confirmed a stack of new information regarding their upcoming platformer Yooka-Laylee.
Following on from a successful Kickstarter campaign where Playtonic raised almost £2,100,000 to bring the Rare-like platformer to life, the developer has confirmed that the game is nearing completion and will launch on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 on April 11th, 2017. The game will be available digitally for £34.99/$39.99/€39.99 on all three formats, with PlayStation 4 and Xbox One owners having the option of picking up a physical copy of the game instead, if they so wish.
Unfortunately, the planned Wii U edition of the game has been canned. Gavin Price, Studio Director at Playtonic, said: “We’re sad to announce that despite our best efforts and exploring every possible avenue, we have encountered unforseen technical issues that unfortunately mean it will be impossible for us to release Yooka-Laylee on Wii U as initially planned.”
However, the team have confirmed that they’re working with Nintendo with the goal of releasing the game for the upcoming Nintendo Switch. Backers who selected the Wii U version will be given the option to change their pledge to an alternate version in due course.
Playtonic also revealed details of a new world that can be found in the game, entitled Capital Cashino. A new trailer featuring the new area can be found below.