Fred Yehi Talks EVOLVE 99 and His Battle with Timothy Thatcher

ADULTish‘s Brendan Sokler attended the WWN&EVOLVE Pro Wrestling present EVOLVE 99 event out in Brooklyn. Well what is WWN? Is that the same thing as WWE? Short answer is no. WWN Is the World Wrestling Network a network of independent professional wrestling promotions under one umbrella with EVOLVE being the flagship promotion of that network. While EVOLVE is not WWE they do have a relationship. Over their 99 shows so far you can see many current WWE superstars having graced an EVOLVE ring including: Daniel Bryan, Cedric Alexander, Drew Gulak, and so many more.
While many go on to WWE glory EVOLVE is far from a farm league, it has very much its own style, presentation, and panache. If you want to get a flavor of what we witnessed check out the EVOLVE 99 in the EVOLVE Recap below.
If you dig that you can order EVOLVE 99.
Speaking of Evolve 99 we caught up with a wrestler with a ceiling that is SO High…How high? Yehi. Fred Yehi to be exact. We caught up with him after coming off a difficult battle with Timothy Thatcher. Yehi is one of the hottest prospect on the independent scene and we have an exclusive scoop with him here at FanBolt!