Nightmare on Elm Street’s Ken Sagoes to Make an Important Short Film

Kincain may have been the Elm Street Kid with great physical power in the dream world, but his real-life counterpart is far stronger in many aspects. Actor, author, charity organizer, and inner-city youth advocate Ken Sagoes is on a journey to turn his newest book “The McHenry Trial” into a short film via crowdfunding. The story would bring to life the struggle of a young man named DeShawn who has to fight against the odds to free his wrongly convicted father.
As an honest journalist, I must disclose that I’ve supported several of Mr. Sagoes efforts in the past, be they in written form, filmed, or charity work. Ken is the genuine article when it comes to caring about his community and the various social issues therein.
You can help Ken make ‘The McHenry Trial’ a reality by heading over to the IndieGoGo page. Thank you, from both Ken Sagoes and myself.
DeShawn, the young prodigy in ‘The McHenry Trial’ is trying to find his way in a world that is set up against him. The story catchphrase, “Don’t judge a kid by their hoodie,” rings true. This story introduces us to a young man struggling to figure out his identity while fighting to come to grips with his ultimate purpose in life. At the age of fourteen, DeShawn is fighting to save not only himself but the father he loves so dearly…