No 3D For ‘Breaking Dawn’

Despite the growing popularity of 3D technology, a rep for Summit Entertainment has confirmed that “Breaking Dawn” — both Part 1 and Part 2 — will not be shot in 3-D. This was confirmed after a source from Summit Entertainment stated the following: “Neither film is being shot in 3-D”. The source went on to say that and that any other buzz from the rumor mill was “fabricated.”

It is reportedly too early in production for the studio to make that call however, about whether post-production 3-D effects and/or conversion will be added. Many Twilight fans are hoping however, that the “Dawn” crew steer clear of the technology altogether. Cast members Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner voiced their opinions about the adding of this technology earlier this year.

“I’m probably speaking out of line or whatever, but I think it would be awesome,” she said. “Nobody knows what it’s like to look through the eyes of a vampire. What if [Bella] opens her eyes to this extraordinary world? It could be cool,” Stewart tells MTV news.

Lautner however, seems a bit undecided when it comes to the issue, stating: “Usually, 3-D is best when it takes you into another world. I could see it going both ways. As long as we have the story line down and as long as we bring what was written on the pages in the book to life, then we’ll be fine no matter what we do.”


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