The Mouse Meets the Dragon: Our Favorite Disney Cosplays at Dragon Con 2019!

Heya, Mouseketeers! The con is over, we’ve unpacked, and we’re almost 100% over this year’s bout of con crud, so it’s time to take a look through some of our favorite cosplays of this year’s Dragon Con! And since I’m a DisNerd from way back, let’s start with the cosplays that fall under Walt’s ever-growing umbrella.
I’m not ranking these, but I’ll try for some semblance of organization.
First off, Disney Ladies – Live Action
1. The Sanderson sisters – Hocus Pocus. My favorite part: Mary’s side-smirk. It takes skill to pull off Kathy Najimy’s signature look like that!
2. Redd – Pirates of the Caribbean (the ride, not the movie). The updated “redhead” from what used to be the Bride Auction scene. Disney purists may disagree, but it’s one change I did not mind at all.
Disney Ladies – Animated (and anime!)
3. Jane Porter – Tarzan. This has to be one of the best Janes I’ve ever seen. My only question is, does she still have both boots?
4. The Sailor Princesses – basically all of the movies, plus Sailor Moon. Y’all, just look at these. I’m dying over Kida’s spear mashed up with Sailor Saturn’s glaive.
Star Wars
5. Anakin, Amidala, and Ahsoka. Really, I just love that they’re rocking the alliteration in the group cosplay.
6. Rey. It’s the staff that sold me on this one. Check out the level of detail!
7. “She’s got help” – Avengers: Endgame. Love these cosplays. Special shoutout to Scarlet Witch for keeping the badass comic-book headpiece.
8. Okoye – Black Panther, Avengers. The detail work on this is just gorgeous, and the cosplayer totally sells the look in this pic!
9. The Captain America movies. I’m seeing Caps, Agent Carters, a few Howling Commandos, a Bucky or two, and a whole lot of USO girls. I know I’m missing other cosplays in this group, but they’re all awesome.
Honorable Mention
10. Anya – Anastasia. Okay, so she’s not TECHNICALLY Disney, but Fox did get bought out recently, so maybe she counts?
What was your favorite Disney cosplay at Dragon Con 2019? Or just your favorite cosplay, in general, you saw this year? We’d love to hear your favorites in our comment section below!