Will Summer Glau enter ‘Dollhouse’?
Joss Whedon told Entertainment Weekly’s Michael Ausiello that he’s trying to get his former Firefly star Summer Glau on Fox’s Dollhouse in its second season, but not in a role you might expect.
“Summer would be perfect to play an active, but she’s done that [type of role] a lot,” Whedon told Ausiello. “I’d rather see her play someone who talks too much. The most fun I have is when I get somebody who’s good and comfortable at doing something, and then I make them do something else. Summer said to me, ‘I would like to play a normal girl before I die of extreme old age.'”
Whedon has wanted to bring Glau into the fold since before her last series, Fox’s Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, was canceled. “If anybody thinks [bringing Summer onto Dollhouse] hasn’t occurred to me already, then they have not met me,” he says. “I mentioned it to her before [SCC] was canceled. I was like, ‘You know, we should get you in the ‘house.’ But first we have to come up with something that works.” Dollhouse returns in the fall.
well she will be great.. she is nice and a great actress!!