Harry Potter Blamed For Disappearing Indian Owls

According to BBC News, Indian Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh thinks the Harry Potter franchise is responsible for Indian Owls being hunted, traded and killed.

“Following ‘Harry Potter,’ there seems to be a strange fascination even among the urban middle classes for presenting their children with owls,” Ramesh says.

But though the franchise has being working among the owls for years now, the author of the report, Abrar Ahmed, never once mentioned a problem with it until he was recently asked to get a white owl for a boy’s ‘Harry Potter’-themed 10th birthday.

Might I add that a similar ‘far-fetched’ accusation was recently thrown at the franchise’s biggest competition, The Twilight Saga franchise, which got blamed for crazy people stabbing a guy and drinking his blood.

So what do you think? Just a scandal for some last minute moolah before production shuts down? Or should the franchise be held responsible [partially or fully], for the “endangered” owls?


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