Atlanta Movie Tours Launching Virtual Fan Tours for ‘Stranger Things’, ‘The Walking Dead’ and More!

Georgia Film - Virtual Fan Tours

Looking for a way to geek out over your favorite TV shows and films from the safety of your home? Our friends at Atlanta Movie Tours have just announced their newest addition – the Georgia Film & Chill tours!

These are 70-75 minute virtual fan tours featuring all the great movies and t.v. shows filmed across the state of Georgia – Stranger Things, The Walking Dead, Marvel hits like Captain America: Civil War and Avengers: Infinity War, Tyler Perry Studios, The Hunger Games, and more! The cost? Only $10 to Get In (from your own house) and Geek Out with fans from all over the world!

Since 2012, Atlanta Movie Tours has toured more than 70,000 people and established a top position for Best Tours in Atlanta, so they weren’t going to let anything get in the way of your entertainment. Tours will include an Atlanta Movie Tours Insider live on Zoom with fun stories and trivia, interactive chat, and Q&A.

Launching Sunday, May 24th, the Best of Georgia Film tour will be showing twice a week on Wednesday’s at 5:30 p.m. EST (happy hour-style) and Sunday’s at 1:30 p.m. EST (for fun family and friend time). Private #GAFilmandChill tours are now available as well, new tours, and availabilities coming soon.

Want more details? For information and booking head over to!


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