Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart Expected To Promote ‘Breaking Dawn’ At Comic Con 2011
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart were absent from Comic Con last year, but they’ll be back promoting Breaking Dawn this July. While Summit Entertainment has not made any official announcements about debuting footage from the fourth Twilight film, sources are expecting new footage to be shown.
When Comic Con passes went on sale recently, they were gone quicker than they became available, and people are pointing their fingers at Breaking Dawn as the cause. Whatever the case may be, expect to see fans camping out at Hall H in hopes of getting a glimpse at the Breaking Dawn clip as well as Pattinson and Stewart.
As having been at Comic Con before during promotion from New Moon, I can assure you the day the Twilight cast is there will be the most packed day of the convention by far, so make sure to plan accordingly! And if you want to get into Hall H… be sure to have your camping equipment ready!
FanBolt will be on location to cover the madness, so if you rather stay safe at home (and who could blame you!) – you’ll still get the scoop from us!