‘Lucifer Season 5’ DVD Review: A Tempting Series to Watch

For those not familiar, Lucifer is a show that is somewhat misleading in a way. Most people probably would not realize that it is not meant to be a literal biblical interpretation of Lucifer. It’s actually about a character named Lucifer Morningstar who comes from DC’s Sandman comic book series. He basically is the devil for the DC universe.
While he is obviously based on the biblical Lucifer it’s really nothing to do with that anymore than Marvel’s Thor has to do with Norse mythology. There are aspects taken from the original source but they have both been tweaked and shaped to fit the needs of the universe in which they live.
With that, I’ll give you a brief synopsis of what this show is about. Lucifer decides he no longer wants to live in hell and runs a night club in Los Angeles called Lux. After seeing a man get stabbed in front of him, he decides to help the Los Angeles police investigate and solve the crime.
This leads him to become an official consultant for the police department. All the while, Lucifer is always dodging people sent by his father (God), who insists that he return to his place in hell as well as demons that see this as an opportunity to move up the chain. He wants to stay on Earth and resists returning to his old life. At the end of Season 4, Lucifer reluctantly returns to his throne in hell after a series of evens fulfill a prophesy and he can no longer resist his fate.
In Season 5, we have Lucifer in hell. He come across the victim of a crime that was in Los Angeles and decides to investigate the crime from hell.
On Earth, the love of his life (Chloe) is investigating a crime when Lucifer appears to attempt to help her and reconcile. She quickly figures out it is not Lucifer, it’s his brother Michael. Lucifer returns to Earth and the season is largely about Lucifer in a power struggle with Michael.
It turns out that God is going to retire and the two of them are trying to vie for the position of being the new God. I don’t want to give too much away but it comes down to an ultimate showdown between Lucifer and Michael.
Lucifer Season 5 Trailer
Lucifer Season 5 DVD: What I Liked and Didn’t Like
What I Liked
Character Development. When a show gets into its fifth season it’s pretty easy to assume all characters are fully developed, but that’s not the case. All people continue to change and grow and this show reflects that.
A primary character named Mazikeen is a great example of that. She’s a demon who married a human named Eve. Eve has since left, and we see her deal with feeling abandoned and how she copes with those feelings. It’s quite a character change for her that is nice to see.
Side characters. This show has a lot going on with side characters. In addition to Mazikeen, there are several others. For example, Amenadiel and Linda had a baby in a previous season.
This is almost always a death blow to write characters out of a show. That is not the case. Linda actually gets a great storyline about facing something she did when she was young that makes her question is she’ll be a good mother. Likewise, Dan and Ella (a detective and forensic technician) get more storyline. Ella, in particular, has a huge arc in the second half of the season. It’s great to see the universe as a whole and not focus only on a primary character.
What I Didn’t Like
The main issue I had were some creative choices. Most namely, is in the fourth episode of the season. The episode turns black and white and has the general feel of an old gangster film. It just doesn’t work for me. Not only stylistically, but the episode doesn’t fit the season. The story doesn’t move the story along and I think it could do without it altogether.
Lucifer Season 5 DVD Special Features
The DVD release comes with 16 episodes and somewhat minimal extras:
- Deleted Scenes
- Gag Reel
Final Thoughts
Overall, Lucifer is an entertaining watch. It’s a well-written story that builds a full universe. Characters, even those somewhat minor ones, are well done and add realism. Season 5 builds up steam and comes to a satisfying conclusion.
Lucifer Season 5 DVD Review
Grade: B+
Lucifer The Complete Fifth Season is available from Warner Bros Home Entertainment May 31st, 2022