DVD Review: Mama’s Family: Season 1
Thelma Harper and her spinster sister Fran open their home to Thelma’s recently divorced son Vinton and his teenage son and daughter. It’s quite an adjustment for everyone, especially the cranky, argumentative Thelma.
Mama’s Family originally aired in the 80’s, and thus is a show that most members of our generation have either seen or watched regularly. I myself was a huge fan of the show when I was a child. I loved Thelma’s sarcasm as much as I adored Naomi’s dainty vintage dresses. The episode plots were always witty and seemed to retain the interest of viewers of all ages. Vicki Lawrence was a natural in the role of Thelma Harper, and captures the essence of character like no other actress would have been able to achieve. In the earlier years of the show, we’re able to see this family’s relationship evolve, and throughout the series, we find ourselves falling in love with the characters.
In the same way that we recommend dvd sets such as Full House and Growing Pains, we recommend this one as well. We grew up with these shows, and in a way, are able to relieve those weekdays after school where we hung out and watched these shows when they weren’t that old. We hope that we will see the rest of the series soon to follow with dvd releases.
Review by Emma Loggins
Grade: A-
Official site: http://www.mamasfamilydvd.com/
Buy on Amazon: Mama’s Family: Season 1