‘Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny’ Movie Screening in Atlanta, Charlotte, and Raleigh

One of this summer’s biggest blockbusters, Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny, is releasing on June 30th, 2023. And to celebrate, FanBolt is giving away free tickets to an early movie screening in Atlanta, Charlotte, and Raleigh!
Enter to win below!
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny Free Movie Screening
All you need to do to enter is:
- Leave a comment below letting us know why you want to see the film (And what city you want passes for. If you don’t do this, you will be disqualified)!
- Retweet this Tweet
- Live in either Atlanta, Charlotte, or Raleigh
We have (30) Admit-2 passes in each city to give away! And we will randomly be picking winners from the comment section! So post below – and you’ll hear from us (via email (make sure you whitelist emails from FanBolt.com)) by Saturday (June 24, 2023) if you’ve won!
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny Screenings
Screening Details
Atlanta, Georgia
Wednesday, June 28 at 7PM
Regal Atlantic Station
Charlotte, North Carolina
Wednesday, June 28 at 7PM
AMC Concord Mills
Raleigh, North Carolina
Wednesday, June 28 at 7PM
AMC Southpoint 17
Release Date
Opening in theaters on June 30, 2023
MPAA Rating
Harrison Ford returns to the role of the legendary hero archaeologist for this highly anticipated final installment of the iconic franchise– a big, globe-trotting, rip-roaring cinematic adventure.
This movie looks so exciting and fun. Every trailer is amazing. I’ve always been a fan of this franchise.
Recently went to Disney world and saw the Indiana Jones stunt show and made me wanna rewatch the series again!
You surely can’t miss Harrison Ford being Indians Jones for the one last time, at the age of… 80!!
(Atlanta, GA)
I’ve been a fan since 1981 when Raiders was released. It started my love of film and acting. So much so, I’ve been an actor/extra, managed a movie theater, a film/TV tour guide and I owe it all to Indiana Jones. 40 years, still a fan.
Atlanta, GA screning
Love Harrison Ford, can’t wait to see him as Indy one last time.
Atlanta please.
My boyfriends birthday is coming up and he LOVES Indians Jones. I’d love two tickets to Atlanta to surprise him for his birthday!
I love Harrison Ford, and have seen all of his movies. I’m looking forward to it, I’m in Atlanta
Not sure if my last comment posted…
With the release of Raiders, I became a movie fan. So much so, I’ve been an actor/extra, managed a movie theater and a film/TV tour guide. I can’t think of a better way to celebrate than with another adventure.
Atlanta, GA
I grew up, watching Indiana Jones movies when I was young and enjoyed everyone of them. It reminded me of a time where I could forget my troubles and go to the movies, such as my father did with Flash Gordon and superman. I am highly anticipating being able to see Indian Jones Dial of Destiny.
I always wanted to see the movie Indiana Jones dial of Destiny since I’ve heard it was coming out. I remember watching the original Indiana Jones movies and remind me of a time when people such as my father went to the movies to see Flash Gordon and the superman series. I live in Atlanta, Georgia and am looking forward to seeing Harrison Ford in Dial of Destiny.
Must see this movie. It’s going to be the last Indiana Jones ever. 🥺
I’m a big Indiana Jones fan – looking forward to the next movie!!
In Atlanta
I’m a big Indiana Jones fan always loved these movies and highly anticipate seeing this latest one.
Atlanta GA.
I would like to win passes for Atlanta, my buddy looks exactly like Harrison Ford and I will take him. I don’t have Twitter.
I really would like to see the new Indiana Jones movie since this may be the final one. I was born in the early 80s, so Indiana Jones has been apart of my childhood. Having the opportunity to see Harrison Ford once more is the same excitement I had when Arnold Schwarzenegger came back with another Terminator movie a few years ago. I live in Atlanta, GA.
This one looks so good! Huge fan of Phoebe and I get the feeling this will be Harrison’s last movie! (Raleigh pls)
I can’t wait for this movie!! Harrison Ford back as Indy; it doesn’t get much better than that.
(Atlanta, GA)
Love Indiana Jones! Just hoping it’s better than Crystal Skull. (Charlotte, NC)
Charlotte. I love this series and always excited to see Harrison Ford!
Temple of Doom was one of my favorite movies as a kid! I’m cautiously excited to see this!
Atlanta Location
This film is an ode to movie buffs everywhere. My 🧢 is off to you Harrison Ford.
It’s been 15 years since the last Indiana Jones. I’m excited to see Harrison Ford back in action
I want to see this movie beacause ai have enjoy the others and Harrison Ford
It looks exciting Charlotte,NC
Want to erase the crystal skull from my mind.
The last Indiana Joes was so good I know this one will the same
Charlotte,North Carolina
[email protected]
Huge fan of the franchise
I’ve seen every installment of Indiana Jones and must see the finale, would love to screen it!
…forgot to include, Atlanta screening.
I would love to see Indiana Jones in Atlanta, Georgia
Wednesday, June 28 at 7PM
Regal Atlantic Station
I am a huge fan!!!!
The trailer looks interesting, wants to check out the movie.
Raleigh NC
I love Indy!!!
Love seeing the Indians jones movie. Charlotte.
This contest is now closed as of Saturday, June 24 at 2:30pm EST. All winners have been notified via email! Congratulations to our winners!!!
I hope it isn’t too late ! I’ve seen all these movies and would love to catch it as part of my birthday celebration as I’m celebrating it alone this year. Thanks !
Raleigh – so excited to see this!
Because I refuse to accept as Crystal Skull as the Indie’s last adventure!
The movie has a long legacy from my father seeing it in theaters to now me hopefully seeing it in theaters!
Can’t wait to see how Indiana Jones finishes his last adventure! Love Harrison Ford!!
Raleigh/Durham, NC
Indiana Jones is my favorite movie series and reminds me of great times with my family. I would love tickets in atlanta.
Loved these movies growing up. Harrison Ford is a great actor.
It is very exciting to see another Indiana Jones movie in certain way is a blast for the past from old days.
Charlotte, NC
Loved these movies growing up. Great action! Harrison Ford is a good actor.
Raleigh, Cary, Garner, or Durham NC
Love thisss
I have been waiting for this I want to see it Harrison Ford at it again…
Atlanta!!! Great movie franchise
Loved watching Indiana Jones movies and playing video games. I would love to watch it on the big screen one more time.
Atlanta Please.
I love Indiana jones and it’s been a while. Bring it on, I’m viewing in Raleigh
I grew up on Indiana Jones!!! I am in for it all!!! Hope a theater has a marathon viewing!! I would be all in for that!!! I am in ATLANTA!!!!
Movie looks amazing! I have watched the whole collection since I was a kid! So much action and adventure. This looks just as good! Atlanta, GA
Let’s see why do I want to go? Because it’s Indiana freakin Jones!!!😆 Harrison Ford donning that hat and whip one more time. Got to be there for that. And I’ll be honest my mom just passed away couple weeks ago and I’ve been a constant caregiver for 15 years. We really need to get out😪🙏💯
Raleigh NC
I want to see this movies because I am a big Indiana Jones fan and super excited to see the new movie. Funny enough I was watching one of the movies last night. I would love to see it in Charlotte, NC
I’ve love Indy since Raiders of the Lost Ark!!! My personal favorite is the Temple of Doom!! Myself and my brother know it WORD FOR WORD(even the sound effects) This would be an awesome outing that would keep me enthralled in every moment!!!
Going to the movies is fun!!:) it’s an escape and cute date night and fun with family/friends depending on who can go with me. Is it too late to enter the contest? I hope not
Love me some Harrison Ford lol 😆 I have rewatched the movies to get ready for this one. When you think 🤔 it can’t happen lol 😆 it all works out!
Seen the rest, Charlotte
Looking forward to another installment of the storied franchise
Love Indiana Jones
This movie is going to be amazing! It’s been such a long time. I can’t wait!
I’ve been a diehard Harrison Ford fan for years. I have thoroughly enjoyed every film. I’ve seen him in. I’m especially a fan of the Indiana Jones series. Would love to check out the screening in Raleigh.
Read to share this film with the next generation on Indian Fans
HI Emma,
My wife and I would love to see Harrison in his last Jones movie. We saw them all. We’ve been fans and are turning 80 this year and would love to see how a fellow octogenarian fairs in his last Indy role….
I would love to attend the screening in Raleigh, NC with my father! Both of us have never seen a single movie from the franchise despite how popular and classic it is. Also, I finally got a new job! It would be an amazing congratulations gift.
Fan of the #IndianaJonesSaga & #HarrisonFord I know a great villain performance is in store from #MadsMikkelsen #IndianaJonesAndTheDialofDestiny #CharlotteNC
Tix to see Indiana Jones
I’m in Atlanta forgot to do this part of the contest. smh
I would love to see this screening. I am a huge Indy fan. I can’t wait to see how everything transpires for the conclusion. My only question is, does the legend die with the man? Or will it be passed on?
I’m in Atlanta, GA. I forgot to mention this as part of the requirements.