Federline’s Driver Runs A Stop Sign
KEVIN FEDERLINE has been left red-faced by his own driver after he ran through
a stop sign at the exact same busy intersection where the dancer’s ex-wife
BRITNEY SPEARS ran a red light last week (ends16Nov07).
And the couple’s eldest son, Sean Preston, was in the back.
Spears was banned from driving with her kids in the car after footage of her
running a red light on Coldwater Canyon surfaced recently, and now the car
safety of Federline’s driver is being called into question.
He was spotted ignoring the stop sign before the lights Spears ran through
after picking up two-year-old Sean Preston from his mother’s Mulholland Drive
home on Tuesday night (20Nov07).
A witness to the driving crime says, “The driver slowed a little but he was
never going to stop, as you’re supposed to.
“It’s crazy that this should happen just days after Britney was banned for
driving with the kids in the car. It seems the couple’s young sons aren’t safe
with anyone behind the wheel!”
Alexa wrote: Wow, that sucks
artmarcia wrote: Do those two poor baby boys have a chance at any kind of a normal life?
Kristen wrote: wow, this is hilarious! See what happens wehn you accuse her for every little thing.
I would have been so embarassed as well if I was him 😮
LauzG wrote: Oh dear!
It’s getting riduclous now! How can he afford to keep suing her? Oh wait, that’s right…he’s using her money.
Man, I wish the two of them would grow up!
xelanoops wrote: man its just drama drama drama with these ones
Trina wrote: wow this is just sad for those kids..there’s always more drama with them..
Debbie wrote: I lived in Los Angeles for more than 13 years. Sometimes the only way to make a left turn at a light IS by turning on the red light. It’s just that busy there. (This is in no defense of Britney though…she needs to get off drugs!)
scorp_grl2002 wrote: just wow. really.