MTV Premieres New Comedy Block With ‘DJ & The Fro,’ ‘Is She Really Going Out With Him?’ And ‘Silent Library.’
MTV is bringing unfiltered comedy all summer long as they premiere a new daily lineup combining three unique genres like they’ve never been done before. On Monday, June 15th from 5:00pm-6:30pm, the weekday comedy block kicks off, inviting fans to sit back, relax and be entertained by some pretty hilarious, balls out comedy. The new block includes the animated strip, DJ & The Fro, a funny look at questionable couplings in Is She Really Going Out With Him? and not really a game show game show with Silent Library.
DJ & The Fro
MTV brings animation back to the network with DJ & the Fro. It’s Beavis and Butthead for the Millennial generation. DJ & the Fro work for a big corporation — though they aren’t sure exactly what the company does. Aimed at the generation that eats, sleeps and breathes technology — DJ & the Fro combines animation and the best of the web. The internet clips are arguably the stars of the show — the funniest, weirdest videos on the internet, made funnier and weirder by the observations of DJ & the Fro. Exec Producers: Dave Jeser (Drawn Together) and Matt Silverstein (Drawn Together). Tune-in Monday through Thursday at 5pm.
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Going down an escalator in a wheelchair is probably not the best idea.
MTV’s “DJ and The Fro” (Wheelchair Escalator Stunt)
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Is She Really Going Out With Him?
Inspired by the popular website Hot Chicks with Douchebags, Is She Really Going Out With Him? is a hilarious and compelling docu-format show that aims to tear down the mystery behind pop culture’s latest unexplainable phenomenon: beautiful and innocent young sweethearts who fall for self-absorbed, overly-tanned, tattoo covered douchebags.
In each episode of Is She Really Going Out With Him? we’ll closely examine one couple as our hot chick eventually leads herself towards making a fateful decision… Will she stay with her douchebag bf or move on to a better man. Tune-in Monday through Thursday at 5:30pm.
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When Jeff aka “Jeb” acts like this out on a date, its a wonder how he even keeps a girlfriend.
MTV’s “Is She Really Going Out With Him”
Uploaded by wiredset. – Full seasons and entire episodes online.
Silent Library
The word library usually conjures up late night memories of cramming for an exam or putting the finishing touches on a lengthy paper. For some, it might even drum up the high school pranks that, much to their parent’s dismay, landed them in detention with their friends… yet again.
Rarely however does the word library become part of the title of a new MTV show that has been described as “Jackass… set in an enclosed environment.” Modeled after a Japanese game show, Silent Library will represent a new breed of competition format that will feature six friends, all vying for a cash prize, forced to impose unimaginable, beyond hysterical stunts on one another. With stunts ranging from brushing one’s teeth with wasabi to having your face held in the path of “the slapper” (a gloved hand that rotates on an automated machine) it will be obvious to viewers that remaining silent is much easier said than done.
With only one guiding rule — to remain SILENT, MTV will show viewers that just because you aren’t heading into the Gauntlet or facing off in a Duel doesn’t mean that the stakes aren’t high, that the stunts aren’t real and that the competition isn’t fierce. Never has the MTV audience sat through a study hall, Saturday detention or cram session in a library quite like this… Tune-in Monday through Thursday at 6pm.
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This gives new meaning to the classic wedgie burn.