Emma Watson Nude Photo Leak Threat Was Giant Hoax
A website set up to warn Emma Watson she will be the next victim in the ongoing Hollywood photo hacking scandal has been exposed as a publicity stunt as part of a campaign to shut down controversial forum 4Chan.
The star was put on high alert on Sunday, the day after she delivered a hard-hitting speech about feminism and sexual equality at the United Nations headquarters in New York, when a page titled, Emma Watson You Are Next, was launched on the same website where naked snaps of celebrities including Jennifer Lawrence, Gabrielle Union, Rihanna, Kate Upton and Kaley Cuoco Sweeting were posted.
The webpage featured the message, “the biggest to come thus far”, alongside a turning wheel, suggesting the new photos were being uploaded to the site.
On Wednesday, the countdown came to an end and the page redirected to rantic.com, where operators called for 4Chan to be taken offline.
A post on the website, which declares itself to be a “social media marketing enterprise”, urges visitors to “spread the word” and “join us as we shutdown (sic) 4chan and prevent more private pictures from being leaked”.
It continues, “None of these women deserve this and together we can make a change.”
Website operators have also published an open letter addressed to President Barack Obama, urging him to take action and prevent the further invasion of stars’ privacy.
The note reads: “We have been hired by celebrity publicists to bring this disgusting issue to attention. The recent 4chan celebrity nude leaks in the past 2 months have been an invasion of privacy and is also clear indication that the internet NEEDS to be censored. Every Facebook like, share & Twitter mention will count as a social signature – and will be one step closer to shutting down www.4chan.org.”
It is not clear whether explicit photos of former child star Watson actually exist and she has yet to comment on Sunday’s threat, but the hacking scandal is currently under investigation by the FBI.
Photo Credit: Helga Esteb / Shutterstock.com