‘The Vampire Diaries’ EP Breaks Down Season 7 Premiere Time Jump

If you tuned into last night’s season 7 premiere of The Vampire Diaries, there’s a good chance that the three year time jump caught you a little off guard.

During the show’s final moments, viewers were given a brief look at what life is like for Stefan (Paul Wesley) and Damon Salvatore (Ian Somerhalder) three years from now and, in short, it ain’t good. Stefan frantically woke his brother up from his self-imposed slumber (until Elena returns), just as they both were showered with arrows at the hands of an unknown female assailant.

The season will be spent filling in the blanks to what led up to last night’s time-jump moment and in an interview with THR, the show’s head honcho, Julie Plec, promises that fans will get the answers they seek, like the identity of the arrow-shooting-Salvatore-brother-hating woman…eventually.

On the use of flash-forwards throughout the season

“We are going to spend this season catching up to the three years from now. These flash-forwards are a lot of fun, because they give you little pieces of mystery, and it’s going to leave you wondering what the big story is. How did these people get to where they are? There should be a flash-forward in almost every — if not every — episode this season.”

On why Damon decided to sleep his time without Elena away

“This entire season’s journey is taking us to the place where Damon makes that decision. He starts the season trying his best to live his life without Elena Gilbert. And over the course of his run, he’ll have a lot of highs, a lot of lows, and ultimately, in a very sad and strange and poetic — and probably selfish — decision to put himself down. We’ll get to see what happens along the way to that point.”

So who was attacking the Salvatore brothers in the three-year time jump?!

“It is supposed to be ambiguous; you’re supposed to wonder who it is, and one day we will tell you!”

Get more pieces to the puzzle in the next episode of The Vampire Diaries, airing Thursdays at 8pm on The CW.

Photo Credit: TVDOnline.net/The CW


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