Breaking Dawn: Will the Movie Beat the Book?

After Robert Pattinson’s announcement that Breaking Dawn, the fourth book in Stephenie Meyer’s ridiculously popular Twilight Saga, will hit the big screen, ReelzChannel got to thinking: Will it make a good movie? And more important, will it turn out better than the book?


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  1. I think it will be just as good as Twilight and New Moon whenever it comes out.. probably even better because Breaking Dawn has so many events in it. All of us Twilight lovers will love it anyway. !!! <3

  2. They almost need to make two movies out of Breaking Dawn there is so much that happens in the book – it is alot to condence into 2 hours. A true Twilight Fan will love it because it will complete the saga!

  3. Oh, ya. I really enjoyed the books. The movie, who has loyal fans will do well as long as the film is true to the novel.

  4. I think it will be a bad movie!! No offense but there are too many things in the books that would be really bad when brought to life!! Sorry all you twihards but that is just my oppinion!